Tuesday 19 April 2016

Common Furnace Problems and Repairs

Furnace repair Evanston helps customers get their home furnace running at an optimal level, which saves money and keeps their house warm all winter.

As soon as fall turns into winter, people start worrying about their furnaces. This is when most will call furnace repair Evanston companies in order to get their system in top shape. However, it is important to call for furnace repair more than one time a year. In fact, it is the regular maintenance of furnaces that keeps them running in a good way. Furnaces that are left sitting there for months without a checkup are going to develop problems, especially if you use them intensively all winter.

Here is a look at the most common problems with furnaces
  1. Maintenance: If you get your maintenance done only once a year, it might not be enough. Ideally, it is best to get maintenance checkups before and after the winter is over. This way, your furnace is spending the spring and summer months off and in optimal condition. If you want to be even more conscientious about repairs, get three repair checks a year.
  2. Filters: These are a massive problem for any furnace. If the air filters get dirty, they are going to clog up the furnace. This means it needs to use more energy in order to get air flow going properly, which increases inefficiency and might cause other damage later.
  3. Excessive Use: Regular wear is normal for furnace systems, especially if you are using it for many hours every day during the winter months.
Tips and Advice on Repairs:

Along with contacting a furnace repair Evanston company, there is more you can do to keep your system running smoothly:
  • Change the air filters every few weeks. It is also good to check these filters every week to make sure they are still in usable condition. Spending a few dollars on extra filters is nothing compared to the increase in your electricity bill if the system is inefficient. Also, newer air filters mean cleaner air throughout the home.
  • Thermostat issues are also common. Sometimes you think you set a temperature, but the house is still too cold or warm. In this case, your thermostat’s battery might have run out, causing it to stop communicating properly with the furnace.
  • Circuit Breakers are also a spot where problems occur. Sometimes if the furnace is running a lot, along with other intense appliances, you will trip a fuse in your home. This causes the system to shut off. It may appear as a furnace issue, but flipping the switch should set it back on.
  • Inefficiency in your home’s insulation is going to cause the furnace to work very hard. Do not open windows during the winter, especially at night. If a room is too hot, lower the temperature on the thermostat. When you open a window, the furnace just has to work harder in order to keep your room at a certain temperature. In addition, check to see if there any major drafts through windows or doors throughout the house, because these can let in a lot of cold air.
Source: Click here

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